Made a Polka-dot hankerchief for beside my bed. (>v <)
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Monday, 29 June 2015
Young Justice Season 01
So I liked this show.
I loved Robin for sure, and Batman, and the other characters, but I was expecting this show to be more like Teen Titan I guess and I was kind of slightly disappointed.
I didn't like how non of my ships had any canon seas to sail on and that the ships were literally destroyed because straight ships went canon.
but anyways...on to the second season I guess!
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Shokugeki no Souma
This anime was also on my watch list, and I think I can say that I enjoy cooking animes greatly.
This anime wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be when I read the summary, but in the end I enjoyed it a lot so I guess it was all for the greater good! (*v*)
Currently ongoing at 12 episodes!
I liked this anime for:
The Art
The Characters
The Plot
The Drive/ Backstories
The Topic
and really I just love the main chara! (>v>)
So I found this cute little DIY for a sachet, so I made one using the clothing from some ripped underwear. (>☆<)
I filled the sachet with tea leaved and it smells nice and relaxing. I'm glad I decided to do this.
Owari no Seraph ( Seraph of the End )
I really liked this anime!
Things I liked about it:
The Art
The Plot
The Backstory
The Action
The Universe
The Characters (some of them)
I'm waiting for the 2nd season of this that comes out in October 2015, and I hope that one gives more substance to the story, because honestly, I felt that the second half of this season was just leading up for the second season really.
Excited for more!
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Kekkai Sensen ( Blood Blockade Battlefront )
So this anime was on my watch-list, so after I just recently caught up on Fairy Tail (2014), I decided to watch something from my watch list, because that is after all what the watch list is for.
Honestly I really am enjoying watching this anime, (even though it is ongoing) and these are a few reasons why I guess? :
The Art
The Voice Actors
The Plot?
The Setting
The Characters
I find this anime really funny, because I was expecting it to be a more morbid anime with a lot of blood and stiff characters and no humor (or a very small-not-so-funny portion of it) so I was very pleasantly surprised to find that it offered great humor.
oh, and I love the way the main chara's (Leo's) eyes look like when he opens them. Absolutely great! I bookmarked this anime so I am going to try to keep up to date! (Though I fear there are not that many episodes remaining)
Friday, 19 June 2015
Ishara: Bane of the Seas
This was cool. I liked it.
I didn't like how few choices the player got to make, but other than that, I liked the story and the plot.
I also liked how nicely they connected everything together, and the whole plot about ishara-wanting-to-be-a-pirate-even-though-she's-a-girl-and-having-a-girl-first-mate and her whole backstory, because is reminded me a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean, and I love those movies with a passion!
All around good work, but I would have liked it more if there was a route with the first mate (Tal). That would have made it more fun for me personally.
Or a game that is like the prequel to this one? Like what happened when Ishara was inslaved and she met Tal and whatnot.
I liked it though! (>v<)
Download it here:
Green Eyed Monster
(Visual Novel Game)
I didn't play thru all of the endings to this game, only 1 complete one and 1 where I died I think.
The 2 main things that I really like about this game were:
The Art
The Queer relationship
-> I liked how there was aboslutely no straight relationships involved in this game, because it was very refreshing to not have to deal with a male character who (being a cliche) gets mad at your character for one reason or another in a game.
So yeah...
you can download the game here:
The Blind Griffin
(Otome Game)
I really like this game!
If I'm being level with ya, I went into this game with moderate expectations. Only to have those tossed to the side because something even better came along.
There are many reasons why I think this game is the berries:
The Vocab
The Endings
The Art
The Dialogue
The Characters
The Plot
The Depth
The only time I got sore with this game is when it kept not responding.
But other than that, and I can say with confidence that this game was copacetic!
Download it here:
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Knife of the Traitor

(Otome Game)
Honestly I think this is my all time favorite Otome Game so far!
I first played this game about a year or maybe two ago, but I can honestly say I did not enjoy it as much back then because I had no idea how to enjoy the game to the fullest and I got closer to that this time when I played the game. I did, however, have to re-download the game, because I had deleted it back when I played it the first time.
*oh and when I downloaded it this time Google Chrome would not let me download it because it said it was 'malicious malware' or something like that, so I had to go into my settings, then to 'more advanced settings' then to 'privacy' and i had to un-check 'enable malware protection'. then I could finally download this beautiful game*
The art is amazing, the plot is great, the characters are awesome, the endings are brilliant, the crack extras are HILARIOUS and great, and the gallery is filled with beautiful pictures and wallpaper from the game.
I love the character design of the main character Os the most, and I kinda want the creators to make a 63 remake of the entire game just for kicks, but I love this game so much I do not think I can delete it for a second time.
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
(Otome Game)
So I went into this game thinking that it would just be like every other game, but I was happily proved wrong.
This was a great game!
I loved the art, the story, and the characters, and I like how it was simple, but not enough to make the game boring, but enough to make me feel that there wasn`t TOO much going on at one.
I especially loved the True Ending, but that is up to you, dear reader, to discover.
P.S. this game was also completely free! (>v<)
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