This anime was super fun and cute.
I watched it mainly because I love Kohina and how she acts like a robot, but honestly the humour and the rest of the characters and their personalities were just great too.
I also like the art and the vague story-line, though I do have some un-answered questions like most of the other fans:
What is the real relationship between Kohina and Kokkuri-san?
What happened to Kohina's parents/her family?
Why did Kokkuri-san stop being a god?
oh, and the one thing I didn't like was the episode where Kokkuri-san turns into a girl and him and Shigaraki almost kiss and stuff and it's all romantic.
Me no likey that.
but all in all recommended to people who want an anime that's not stressful at all and funny and has a supernatural/fantasy element to it.